Kids headed into summer break? Don’t forget about the pets!

Your kids will probably spend a lot of time with your pets this summer.  From playing outdoors in the yard to swimming to cuddling up and watching movies in the evening, there’s no doubt that your children and pets will have a lot of time to bond.

When the kids come home for summer break, this can disrupt a predictable schedule for the family pets. Create a daily routine that ensures your children and pets will spend quality time together, including:
  • Exercise and play in the morning before they leave the house for any activities that may consume some of the day
  • Extra attention and play when they get home
  • Exercise and “family time” in the evening
This not only ensures your pets get the attention and love they deserve, but it will help your children learn how to be responsible and caring pet owners.  Happy kids are healthy kids; whether they have two legs or four.
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