Community Cats
Due to the high demand of helping reduce cat overpopulation, we offer scheduled and walk-in community cat appointments only. We strongly recommend that you call us to make an appointment for community cats as we cannot guarantee walk-in appointments.
Community Cat drop off time is 10AM.
- Scheduled community cat appointments do not require a deposit. We ask that if you are unsuccessful in trapping your cat, please call or email to cancel your appointment so another caretaker can utilize it.
- All community cats MUST come individually in a live, humane trap. There are no exceptions.
- No transfers from carriers to traps will be allowed in your car, our parking lot, or in our building. If a community cat does not arrive in a trap, we will not accept the cat that day.
- We offer trap rentals for a fee. When the trap is returned to NWSNC within two weeks, the fee is refunded.
- If you need to rent a trap, please visit our clinic Monday – Friday, from 10 am – 5 pm prior to bringing any community cats in carriers.
Our Community Cat Package service fee is a $35 copay.
The package includes the spay or neuter surgery, rabies vaccination, FVRCP vaccine, ear tip (required), tattoo, and flea treatment (if needed).
All cats brought in through Northwest Spay & Neuter Center’s Community Cat Program must be true community cats that will live their lives outdoors. Community Cats are not owned pets.
In cases where cats appear to be owned pets, you will be charged full price for all the services included in the community cat program.
Learn more
Purchase a trap
Purchase a trap by following the link in the button below.
Traps for loan
Please contact us via email at [email protected].
For more information on Trap-Neuter-Return, please visit alleycat.org.
Return to field handbook
Download our Return To Field Handbook