Walk the dog day

Dog holding lease

February 22nd is National Walk the Dog Day!  Although, when the shutdown first began early last year, nearly every pup everywhere thought it was National Walk the Dog Day every day.  Workers shifted to home offices, and families were starting to feel a little stir-crazy.  

Here are some reasons to celebrate this day, rain or shine:

Walking your dog is about so much more than just “potty breaks.” Walking your dog provides mental stimulation, physical exercise, chances for socialization, and opportunities for behavioral training. Moreover, it gets both of you out and about while helping to grow the bond you have with your dog.  Walking can be as good for humans as it can for dogs.  Dog owners enjoy numerous health and social benefits by walking their dog a few times a week. Benefits include improved cardiovascular fitness, lower blood pressure, stronger muscles and bones (built up by walking regularly), and decreased stress. A regular walk is vitally important for your pet’s health too for those same reasons.

Living in the NW and think it’s too rainy to get in a good walk?  Lucky for all of us, we live in a time when raincoats (and other clothes) are available for dogs of every size.  Maybe you can get matching coats and hit the great outdoors together!  

Do you walk with your dog?

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