South County Cats logo

Some will say that 2020 has gone to the birds, but since we at Northwest Spay and Neuter Center only see cats and dogs, we want to shine the spotlight on one of our long-time friends and partners, South County Cats.  Led by Sally Halela and countless committed volunteers, South County Cats remains a driving force to save lives through spay/neuter.  South County Cats is a spay/neuter assistance organization helping countless members of our community aide in the spaying and neutering of pets and those animals that are deemed unadoptable. South County Cats goes above and beyond by fostering kittens to increase adoptability, assisting the community with TNR (trap-neuter-return) efforts, and educating the public about feral cats and the available resources for helping them.

Our partnership with South County Cats has allowed for a greater outreach to the surrounding areas of King County, where South County Cats is based out of. Not only does our partnership bring aid to the animals within South County Cats, their organization offers financial assistance to those who apply for discounted or free services through Northwest Spay and Neuter Center. South County Cats encourages the community to reach out to them for financial assistance when needed.

It is with great honor to partner with a like-minded organization focused on a mission to end homelessness and overpopulation of cats in our community through prevention. South County Cats is an integral component to our community and we want to recognize them for their efforts in volunteering, fostering, educating, and helping those in need. Thank you for all you do, South County Cats!

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