Northwest Spay and Neuter Center featured on Seattle Pet Collective
Executive Director, Melanie had the great pleasure of chatting with Marika Moffitt, Owner and founder of Dirtie Dog Photography, a pet photography business in Seattle specializing in capturing the story of animals for the people who love them.
Storytelling is a beautiful art form, regardless of the topic. However, when we get the opportunity to tell the story of a community resource and the powerful impact the mission has on the larger community, it becomes personal and even more beautiful.
Spay and neuter may seem like an unlikely topic to chat about on the radio or otherwise, however, the larger topic of awareness and prevention and all of the positive change that comes from people and organizations connecting on a deeper level, well, that is something we could talk about all day long.
Have a listen:—Melanie-Rushforth-of-Northwest-Spay-and-Neuter-Center-e57nur